Monday, February 4, 2008

Neither Political Nor political

Lets start with an irony. A politically challanged floater read countless pages of politics today.

As I scanned through the pages of wikipedia while my vision kept shifting its focus between the two floaters in my eyes and the text on the screen, Murphy's Law again tried its best to dominate. However I atleast was determined to gather the bare minimum of it before closing my browser.

No it didn't start as an ode to my preparation for IIM interviews. These days I am listening to Pink Floyd of the order I used to listen few years back. And it all started when for the first time I seriously listened to Pink Floyd's album Animal. Oh yes the album deserved to be successful as soon as it was released (The Rolling Stones magazine outrightly rejected the album).

The album runs parallel to Orwell's "Animal Farm"(now I'll have to read this book) though it can't be considered as an adaptation. Animal Farm is about communism and Animal is about people in power or people who try to push things on society. Anyways I loved the rhythm of ha ha charade you are... in the song Pigs and the meaning is awesome... Could relate to loads of things in Indian context... Irrational fundamentalism, Reservation etc etc.

So this is how the context got set and my imaginations did some rounds of thoughts about the difference between Communism and Socialism. I do understand Capitalism well but Communism and Socialism have always sounded same for me like so many other politically challanged people. So to put it in simple words, Socialism is when people work as per their capability and earn proportionately. However, Communism is when people work as per their capability butearn as per their needs. Obviously communism needs to be enforced and that gives rise to a single party political system in communist ruled countries like China and former USSR.

Another interesting thing I learnt was the difference between Communists (a member of a Communist Party) and communists (a proponent of Communism).

A lot of controversial history of communism exists involving USSR and China. And as of today only four countries run with communist government. It indeed is dying. China is also realigning its stand with the changing scenario in the world keeping globalization in mind.

And then I learnt about Marxism. It is about observing communism/socialism with the class element missing. There should be no existence of "Class" element. So what beats me is why CPI(M) supports caste/religion based reservation. Isn't it a serious flaw.

Anyways enough of politics for a poor dark soul like me... Let me get back to where it started.

Hey you, Whitehouse Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse Ha, ha, charade you are
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street
You're nearly a real treat All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused? You got to stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside Mary you're nearly a treat
Mary you're nearly a treat But you're really a cry

Mary Whitehouse is more than just a name here, it is a class of people who like to tell us what we should be doing. So you might like to play this song this Valentines Day...

hey you *$^*&*# ha, ha, charade you are...

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